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Institut Dr. Flad
Berufskolleg für Chemie, Pharmazie, Biotechnologie und Umwelt

Ausbildung mit Markenzeichen. Seit 1951.

« zurück - Der amerikanische Außenminister Warren Christopher zu Besuch im Institut Dr. Flad


Glückwunsch von US-Vizepräsident Al Gore an alle Teilnehmer des GLOBE-Programms:

September 7, 1996

Dear GLOBE Germany Participants:

On the occasion of U.S. Secretary of State Warren Christopher's visit to Stuttgart, please accept my congratulations on a successful implementation of GLOBE in Germany. I am very proud of the success of German students who have been actively collecting and reporting their environmental observations.

Currently, there are more than 3,000 GLOBE schools in 39 nations. Over the next few years tens of thousands of schools around the world will join GLOBE.

Germany's involvemnet in GLOBE is very exciting for all of the GLOBE partner countries. German students have much to offer the youth of the world concerning their culture, history, and environment.

Please accept my best wishes for your continued success in the GLOBE Program.




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