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Institut Dr. Flad
Berufskolleg für Chemie, Pharmazie, Biotechnologie und Umwelt

Ausbildung mit Markenzeichen. Seit 1951.

« zurück - Der amerikanische Außenminister Warren Christopher zu Besuch im Institut Dr. Flad


September 4, 1996

Secretary Christopher to Visit GLOBE Environmental School in Stuttgart

On Saturday morning, September 7, Secretary of State Warren Christopher will visit Stuttgart's Chemisches Institut Dr. Flad to meet with students actively engaged in the GLOBE environmental education program, initiated by Vice President Al Gore on Earth Day, April 22, 1994.

Through the GLOBE program, 3000 schools in 39 countries study the global environment and share information via the Internet. GLOBE Germany, launched in December, 1995, includes 30 German schools in all the federal states. Students from the Flad Chemical Institute, headquarters of this model program in Germany, will be joined by students from two other German and one American school in Stuttgart.

In a speech last April at Stanford University, Secretary Christopher stated, "The U.S. must need the challenge of making environmental issues a vital part of our foreign policy. Our approach to the programs must be global because pollution respects no boundaries, and the growing demand for finite resources in any part of the world inevitably puts pressure on the resources in all other. Our creed as a people has always been to make tomorrow better for ourselves and for our children. For the sake of future generations, we musst succeed."

Media interested in covering the Secretary's visit to the Chemisches Institute Dr. Flad should contact the Press Office of the U.S. Embassy, Bonn, tel. (0228) 339-2131, or beginning at 12 noon on Sept.4, the temporary USIS office at the Intercontinetntal Hotel in Stuttgart, tel. (0711) 226-1918.


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